Sunday, June 19, 2005

For my Brother

You have been my inspiration
and I have always looked up to you
At this important crossroad in my life,
I am seeking your advice about what to do

I have always adored and admired you
Even though I am ashamed to admit that
I have tried hard to be like you
But failed to do even that

You have been an ideal son,
and mama-papa have been proud of you
As for me, I have been the reckless one,
Today I realise, a poor second out of the two.

You mean the world to me,
and a nobler person I have never seen.
Without you to guide me,
Where I am today, I could never have been.

I have been mean and rude towards you,
but you have never turned me away.
You have given me all your things to share,
And been a constant guide, come what may.

This blog is written to impress upon you
the fact that I could never ever say,
You are the person I look up to,
and I adore you every single day.

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